Estd. July 2021

"A vaincre sans peril, on triomphe sans gloire."-Pierre Corneille.

English | Italian | German | العربية


"The Press: D-Publishing" is a desktop publishing, editing and printing service with which it is possible to create, print and distribute all kinds of printed materials: books, booklets, magazines and brochures. The products thus created can be sold or shipped directly to the final customer for personal purposes.

about-bg Desktop Publishing is performed by Glucksmann Digital via Microsoft Publisher and PDF Escape to create professional layouts.

about-bg All texts and manuscripts, after editing, can be printed in any format and size and illustrated with custom images.

Created with :

Image Gallery of Sample Products created by The Press - Desktop Publishing

"Enigma, or on the unveiling", a book created
and published through The Press- Desktop Publishing